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Shots from "Life After People"    Posted March 01, 2010

01:36   28 MB Quicktime Movie

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BREAKDOWN: These shots were completed in 2009 start to finish on a very fast, television schedule. I was pretty much singularly responsible for every element in all shots, from conception through to final delivery. The 3D work was accelerated by starting with assets built by some of my skilled colleagues –– Ed Ruiz (Statue of Liberty) and Stephan Bredereck (Big Ben). I also did the editing, titles and sound work for this reel (it's not from the show).

You can also check out some of my more 'motion graphics' type AE work on this reel: Craig Edwards After Effects Reel - Spring 2010.

If you want to see some of my 3D work or previous reels, you can probably find them here.