Director/Lead Artist: Craig Edwards
The nearly two-minute long trailer for " The Fright Channel" was completed in May 2007 over a period of about 10 weeks by three artists -- myself, Michael Fessenden and Chris Osborne, with animation assistance by Robby Cristino and Dan Dod. All are grads of the DAVE School at Universal Orlando. The piece was created mostly with Lightwave versions 8.5 thru 9.2 and composited in After Effects.

Director: John Mark Austin - Lead Artist: Ken Wilder
I was part of a team of fourteen artists who put this spot together in four weeks. Like most projects at R+H's Commercial Division, there were many overlapping resposibilities and jobs performed by each artist. I spent most of my time modeling, texturing and lighting the interior and exterior of the Cafe model used for the second half of the spot. I also worked on setting up and developing some of the effects, and completed and animated a mulitplane matte painting, which was used for the sky. This spot is all CG, using mostly LightWave and Digital Fusion.
PICS of the Cafe |

Director: John Mark Austin - Lead Artist: D.R. Greenlaw
Eight artists worked four weeks to create this trailer for Project Gotham Racer. There were many overlapping responsibilities, but I was largely responsible for the design and modeling of the city, including organizing and repurposing exisiting elements, creating new ones, and layout. I up-rezzed a Ferrari mesh purchased from an online vendor, correcting proportions and adding areas of detail. I also completed several matte paintings, including the aeriel view with the nazca lines in the opening shot, and worked several of the shots most or all the way through, including animation, lighting, volumetrics and compositing. This spot is all CG, using mostly LightWave and Digital Fusion.
PICS from Gotham Racer |

Director: John Mark Austin - Lead Artist: D.R. Greenlaw
My first project at Rhythm+Hues, Fable 2 was created in about 5 weeks. I worked on many different aspects of this trailer, assisted in the development of the creative and previz. I modeled and textured most of the buildings used for the countryside and village during the timelapse sequence, helped generate the forest environment of the opening, completed 2D and 2.5D matte paintings for the opening and closing shots, as well as FX and lighting work, and some compositing in Fusion. |

A Strong Productions / Albino Blacksheep
I completed this opening title sequence for a show in development by A Strong Productions. Some of the characters are from the show, others were created by me (the three girls, the robot, and the guy flipping the bird) for the title sequence as PhotoShop collages and animated in After Effects. The end sequence with the lighted letters onstage was created in LightWave and composited in After Effects. |
VFX Supervisor: Oliver Hotz, Origami Digital
My work on this spot was mostly on the exterior of the stadium seen in the final shot, and the matte painting surrounding it, although I assisted in various areas on modeling and texturing the expansive arena interior as well. This spot is all CG (except for live actors shot on greenscreen), using mostly LightWave and Digital Fusion.